Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Ten Games

So after much deliberation and in no particular order I present the ten games:

So I am familiar with some of these games. Zelda and Bioshock in particular. Some of these older ones, Mischief Makers and Mystical Ninja make me second guess his sanity... but hey. I can be non judgmental!

My main concern is Portal 2. I am NOT a puzzle gamer. I think I would get frustrated and stop.... or break something...

We have agreed that I may not use any outside sources for assistance, but I can ask him anything I want to help get through the games. I picture it like this... 

Me - "Oh honey, could you help me with something? I'm stuck here, on this platform, and if I jump down I know I will die... well could you help me." 

Him - "Oh oh, you want some help do you? Hmm? Well you just walk over here and, you know, uh..."


SO! I will try and avoid situations like that... at all costs. XD

I am pretty excited about Bioshock. I have played a little of that, but I look forward to diving into the story and having a good time with that one. Who knows, maybe I will even play the second one when this is all done!

I honestly don't even know what Mass Effect is.... He claims I have seen him play it. Uh... I dunno..... So for those folks who are as in the dark as I am, all the titles have been turned into wiki page links detailing the games... I should click on my own links >_< (HAHA ZELDA)

Well then, I have a lot to ponder.  He has set me up to play Super Mario Bros RPG first. Start with the classics, eh? Fine with me. I find turn based games to be a snooze fest so hopefully this one is interesting. Its Mario.... at least I could probably make fun of the voice acting/sound effects.

I get to choose the order for the rest, so lets see what you guys think I should play next.

Go ahead and comment on the game you think I should play second, give me a reason why, and I will choose based on the comments.

What do you guys think about his choices?

Let me know and I will update soon when I start playing Mario Bros.



  1. I've watched my husband play Portal before and it gives me a headache! Ugh. Good luck with that! I love this idea tons, and I think it's a great way to grow as a couple. :)

    1. Thank you! Yeah Portal is going to be a hurdle for me for sure.

  2. I think Portal 2 should be last. Its a pretty interesting list though, a wide variety of games that should prove to be fun. Can't say I have heard of Mystical Ninja or Mischief Makers. Kinda think you should play Mystical Ninja next. Mostly just a feeling, along with some curiosity about it. My thoughts are to take care of the old-school games first, mainstream in the middle and end with the hardest. He has bought himself some time with Final Fantasy VI though :P Sneaky devil :P

    One question I have is are you playing these on the consoles or using emulators? certain amount of awesome (and money) if part of you quest to wifey-poo-ness involves hunting down consoles :P

    1. I think mostly it will be emulators as I doubt I will be able to find consoles, lol.

      I like your idea about the order of things. Although I am worried about FFVI now! :P~

  3. Oh! I was gonna add...a bit of video of your playthroughs would be awesome if you want to go through that fiasco :D

    1. I will do that. I have fraps taking screenies but maybe some vids would be cool XD

  4. You should play Mischief Makers next. It's such an awesome game and it's really one of a kind. It'll "shake" things up after you get done with Super Mario RPG.

    You can ask Logan what I mean about the shaking comment :)

    1. =O I will inquire... and that sounds like a good idea!

  5. I have a suggestion. You should ask him if he would allow you to switch Ocarina of Time out for Majora's Mask. They are the two most similar Zelda games (not counting gameboy), and MM is shorter and arguably the more engrossing experience.

    Save Earthbound and Kingdom Hearts for last, in that order. Earthbound will be most appreciated once you have a few rpgs under your belt already. More crucially, Kingdom Hearts is just such a sweet and beautiful experience; it's the right way to end a love-pact of gaming, trust me on that.

    1. Hmm. I will have to ask him. Perhaps he was debating between the two.

      I watched him play some Kingdom Hearts 3D the other day and it looks fun XD I bet that would be a great way to end it.

  6. I haven't played Mischief Makers in years. I will definitely be finding a ROM for that later. So thanks! Going along with TrulyFineCitizen, Ocarina of Time is a classic, and really worth playing, but Majora's Mask was so much more for me. I don't know if I'd recommend switching them out, but definitely look into it if you enjoyed the first game.
